Join us for our first Cornflower Ball since 2019! This year’s theme is Hollywood. So dust off those dressy suits and fancy dresses and brush up on famous movie stars. Prepare to walk down the red carpet and have your photo taken – just like all the famous actors!
There will be dancing, a silent auction, grand prizes and a lovely three-course meal. We can’t wait to share an evening with you in support of those living with ALS/MND.
If you would like to see a list of the services which are made possible by funds raised by the ALS Society of Manitoba, visit us here.
If you would like to learn more about the ALS Society of Manitoba, visit us here.
Thank You to Our Amazing Sponsors!
The Cornflower Ball Menu
Our New Poster has Arrived!
Help us get the word out – our new poster for the 2022 Cornflower Ball is ready. If you have a special place in your community where you would like to post one (or more) of these posters and spread the news, please stop by our office on Dublin Avenue.
If you would like to print your own poster, contact us and we will happily email you the file.
The posters are available in both 11×17 (tabloid) and 8.5×11 (letter) sizes.
This is the 11x17 Cornflower Ball Poster. The 8.5x11 poster is similar.